Book Review || Use Your Perfect Memory by Tony Buzan

Hello Beautiful People, Use Your Perfect Memory by Tony Buzan is a self help book on how to improve your memory, or in better words 'Use it'. I decided to pick this book up, because I am learning a new language and it is difficult for me to retain new vocabulary. Hence, I though this book would help me improve my memory. The book covers various ways and systems you could do and use to put your brain into better use. The author goes through the Link System, The Peg memory system, The alphabet system, The major system and finally Mindmaps. The Link system is what I normal would use to memories difficult words (with weird spelling), however, the extent of the use of this system discussed by the author is beyond what I regularly would do. The system is actually very useful; For instance, if you want to memories your shopping list in order, you create a storyline that contain all the items. The storyline should contain elements from all your senses to aid in me...