Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer

Hello Netizens!
Today I just finished reading Moonwalking with Eistein, which is the story of how Joshua Foer, a guy like any of us, came to learn the techniques to memorisation in six months and utalising it to compete in the USA memory championship. The book delves into various scientific topics on how the brain works, how memorisation works and discusses instances where individuals had unusual brains and brain abilities. 

I enjoyed reading the narrative of the book the most, and instead of feeling like I am reading a boring non-fiction book, I was engulfed by the strong voice the author carries in his book. I was also entertained by the different personalities present in the book; Ed and Tony Buzan being my favourite to read about.

This book is not a manual on how to learn memorisation techniques, but it is an experiment on whether can any one learn these techniques and how much work and time is needed to reach a decent level. The book is neutral, which I appreciate a lot, and it doesn't side with or disagree with people or ideas discussed in it. The writing and information presented allows the reader to reach to their own conclusions. Also, I was always surprised (shook) when the the author would criticise someone they are interviewing, this includes Tony Buzan and Daniel Tammet. 

This book has opened my mind into a world I did not know exist. I will definitely try to incorporate these memory techniques in my hobbies. 

I would highly recommend this book, whether you are interested in the topic or not.

(5/5) stars. 


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