Book Review || Creativity for Critical Thinkers by Anthony Weston

Dear Netizens, 
Recently I realised that I scratch off ideas too soon, or when someone tells me about their ideas, I cannot help but think about all the possible problems arising. This worries me, because I am an industrial design student and I am supposed to be creative. So when I saw this book in the library, it felt like it was pointing its finger at me, hence I had to read it. 

Creativity for Critical Thinkers is an 80 pages book, that discusses some methods on how to generate ideas quickly and it gives the reader tips on how to loosen up. I did find myself coming up with ideas as I read the book and it inspired me to look at problems from a different angle. Although that is easier said than done. The methods the author provides to generate ideas are five, and the ways to reframe problem are three. 

Even though it is a short book, the author did repeat points over-and-over again (which is a trend I am seeing with almost every non-fiction book I read). I was hoping I would be able to avoid repetition, because the book is short. Another problem I had with the book, is the examples given-the ideas generated using the method-it is was written as if the author is coming up with them on the spot, and this resulted in uncomfortable sentences.

"An immovable rock, like a wall, eh? Suppose it were a wall?" 


"That's certainly random! (...) Again, it will seem silly. But wait -give it a second-let's think."

"Hmm...could a burned-out light bulb be made into some kind of bottle stopper?"

I personally did not enjoy reading these parts, they come off fake and forced; to create the illusion of brainstorming. 

In conclusion, it is a light and quick read. It did help me loosen up a bit and not be too uptight, however, I think it barely scratches the surface of creativity and if the author avoided repetition, there would have been more methods offered.


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