Book Review || Orca Rising by Chris Hannon

Hello Beautiful People, 

I have just finished reading Orca Rising by Chris Hannon , and here are my thoughts about it!

Ocra Rising revolves around Ocean, a 16 years old high school student who just finished his IGCSEs and decides to spend his summer vacation at a not so ordinary school. This is a fast paced, thrilling novel with an engaging mystery.

The characters in the novel are diverse, as they come from various spots in the world. The conversations can help you remember where each is from. For instance, Dante - who is from Spain - slips in Spanish in his dialog. The characters keep you entertained while reading the book, and I just wish that we've have gotten to know them better.

The plot contains clichés to the genre, but this doesn't necessarily makes it "bad". I enjoy reading spy book and there are certain clichés I like when present and done well. Some of the plot twists toward the end of the book took me by surprise, however, the ones at the beginning I saw them coming.

I like the ending, and it allows for the opportunity to have more books with Ocean as a protagonist.

My only complain would be, is the book is too short. There is so much missed opportunities. The characters are interesting, but we don't get to spend much time with them or at least get to know who they are. They feel like caricatures of real people, and I would have loved to get attached to them; being involved with the characters would make the action scenes more dramatic and engaging.

Overall, it is a fun book and a quick read (it is only 164 pages), and I recommend it if you want a fast paced spy novel.

[ I have received an e-ARC of this book through NetGalley]


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