Book Review || Behind the Scenes: Avant-Garde Techniques of Contemporary Design

Hello Beautiful People, A while ago I've picked up this book on architecture and design from the library, and I finally finished reading it now. The topic interested me, and I thought I would find something useful for my major (I am taking Industrial Design). The book started on a good note, talking about CAD, the software used and how they function. I find the later unnecessary, nevertheless, it is great to read about if you don't know how the software processes your inputs. The book slowly progresses toward techniques architects have used to create their designs. it is interesting, but so much of what is tackled in the book I already knew about. Especially the second half. The book switches to discuss topics such as; interface design, interactivity and VR, which isn't why I have picked this book up for . Moreover, everything the book mentions about VR is generally known knowledge, but written obnoxiously. The writing style makes the book an extreme...