February Wrap Up
Hello Beautiful people,
Today I am going to discuss the books I have read in the month of
February. This past month I haven't read a lot, only two books. I gave one of
the books five stars and the other one, well... I DNFed it.
I try to avoid DNFing books as much as I can, but the writing didn't
work for me at all. So far this year, I have DNFed two books, a fiction and a
non-fiction book. This is new for me, as I barely DNF books and we are still in
the third month of 2018. So who knows, I might give up on even more books as
the year passes by.

Author: Elodie Colt
Synopsis: She represented his
own personal hell, yet she was his only chance of salvation...
Haylie was evolutional perfection. One of a few hundred in the world. Even the colour of her eyes was so rare, it had its own name—jaylior.
They hunted her. They wanted her dead. And when they attacked, a boy saved her in exchange for his life. Another murder happening in front of her eyes. Brutally killed, just like they killed her sister. How the hell should she go on with her life, knowing their deaths were her fault?...
You can read the rest of the synopsis here.Haylie was evolutional perfection. One of a few hundred in the world. Even the colour of her eyes was so rare, it had its own name—jaylior.
They hunted her. They wanted her dead. And when they attacked, a boy saved her in exchange for his life. Another murder happening in front of her eyes. Brutally killed, just like they killed her sister. How the hell should she go on with her life, knowing their deaths were her fault?...
The book I finished in the month of February is Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling. After I finished reading this book, I just
wrote on my goodreads "So this is the end." With all honesty, it is
hard to just end a series you have spend so much of your time reading and
getting attached to all the characters in the book. It took me a while to
process, This IS the end.

(spoiler warning)
Dumbledore's perfect image we, the readers, had while reading the series
begun to crack. It is sad knowing a god-like character in the universe, isn't s
great as we thought he is. Nevertheless, it shows that no one is really perfect
and everyone is a bit twisted (or used to).
One of the characters I was hoping I would warm up to, is Severus Snape.
Unfortunately, that did not happen. I know many love him and many hate him.
Currently, I am neutral about him. Yes, he is (was) bad, but his life was
miserable. He was also used/manipulated by Dumbledore, so it sort of softened
my hatred for the character.
Previously to reading this book, I haven't seen either movies, but I did
know about all the deaths that occur in this book as well as the ending (I was
spoilt by the internet, sad. I know).
During this month I did read other books, but I haven't managed to
finish them. At the moment, there are four book on my 'Currently Reading' shelf
on goodreads. You can follow my reading process on my goodreads's account here.
Well, thank you for reading and reaching the end of my blogpost entry. I
hope you enjoyed this quick little humble wrap up, and hopefully, next time, I
will come with a larger reading wrap up!
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