Book Review || Frida Kahlo: A Spiritual Biography by Jack Rummel

Hello Beautiful people, 

I first came to know about Frida Khalo, through my studies in University. I had to write an essay about Surrealism, and she was one of the artists that popped up during my research. When I read about Khalo online, I have become interested in her artworks and in her, the artist.

To know more about Frida Khalo, I decided to read this biography about her life, art and country. The biography also tries to show a spiritual side to Frida Khalo and her artworks, although she was an atheist.

The writing in this biography is fun to read through, and I simply found myself flying through it. I am always worried I might not end up finishing a nonfiction book, because of the writing style, however, in this one, all my worries were gone. The writer manages to hold my interest and make me enjoy reading the book.

Although it is a biography about Frida Khalo, it also covers the political situation of Mexico (and the world), and relates it to Khalo's beliefs and life. I personally see this as a smart decision to make, as it aided me in visualising the time era Frida Khalo lived through and to understand why she stood for certain thing, parties or people. Moreover, I enjoy reading/knowing about history and politics and reading about that time era, but from Mexico is nouvelle to me (and now I am interested in reading more historical books about Mexico).

I love the addition of photography in the book, and how every photograph is explained in the book. The biography doesn't only include photographs of Khalo's paintings, but it include photos of Frida Khalo through out her life.

The one let down of this book, is it has left me wanting more. There is so much about Frida's life that is not covered in the book. The biography seems to have sacrificed content on Frida's life just to discuss about the politics of Mexico in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

Nevertheless, this is a quick and enjoyable read, and I would recommend you to read it even if you know nothing about Frida Khalo.


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