Fast Reads VS Slow Reads

Hello Netizens, 

Recently, I have come to realise some books take me longer to read than others. I have usually brushed it off, by assuming some books took me longer to finish, because I am not purposely going after finishing them. However, I find myself disagreeing with myself.

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Toward the end of the past year, I started reading again after sort of taking a break from reading. Now, I am reading more than how I used to, and because of that I have been exposing myself to all sort of books that bring with them different experiences. 

With that, I started seeing the clear difference between fast and slow reads (as I didn't necessarily believe it is a thing).

My experience with slow and fast reads feels a little too extreme with me. For instance, with fast reads, I could read a hundred pages without feeling like I have been reading that much at all (one-hundred pages in one setting is a lot of me). On the other hand, reading twenty pages of a slow read feels like I have read more than I can take. What is weird too is, a slow read takes me a lot more to reach a hundred pages, even when I am enjoying the book and want to read it from front to back. 

A couple of fast reads I am reading or have read recently are The Hating Game by Sally Thorne and I haven't Dreamed of Flying For a While by Taichi Yamda. Now, you might think I have enjoyed both novels, but low and behold! I hated 'I haven't Dreamed of Flying For a While', but I can't lie about the novel being a really easy book to read and flythrough (even if you don't like anything about it). However, with 'The Hating Game'- which I am currently reading - I am really enjoying reading it, and part of me doesn't want the book to end. 

One of the slow reads I have come to finish recently is 'The Circle' by Dave Eggers. I honestly don't understand what happened to me while reading this book. I would spend hours reading it, just to realise I have only read fifty pages. Going through this bothered me a lot, and I believe it has effected my opinion on the book. 

Do I believe the pace I am reading a book will eventually determine my liking for it? my answer is no. I have only mentioned one example of a fast read that I didn't like, nevertheless, this seems to happen to me quite a lot. What can say is, most of my slow reads, ended up with me not liking them. 

Now, that is my experience with slow and fast paced books. What about yours? 


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