The TBR Tag

Hello Netizens, 

I wasn't tagged to do The TBR Tag , but it looked fun =u= I came across this tag in Maniacal Book Unicorn blog post here.

Lets get started!

How do you keep track of your TBR pile?

Among the books I own, I have a note on Evernote that includes all the books I own in a To-Do list. So each time I read a book, I tick the box. However, most of the time I pick random books from the library that pique my interest and I end up borrowing them. 

Is your TBR mostly print or e-book?
The majority of books I read are physical books. From time to time, I would pick an ebook or read ebooks because I received them in exchange for a review. 

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

I have zero strategy, I just pick whatever book I am in the mood for. 

A book that’s been on your TBR the longest.

A World Without Princes (The School for Good and Evil #2)  by
A World Without Princes (The School for Good and Evil, #2)

A book that you recently added to your TBR.

My most recent addition to my TBR shelf on Goodreads is The Trick by Emanuel Bergmann. I came across this novel in my Goodreads' feed, and the synopsis caught my attention. 

The Trick

A book on your TBR strictly because of its beautiful cover.
I only read books with beautiful covers. jk jk, I would say Spare Brides By Adele Parks. I bought this book, because I thought the book cover is beautiful (and because it is a historical fiction). 

Spare Brides

A book on your TBR that you NEVER plan on actually reading.
The Twelve by Justin Cronin. It is the second book in a series and I don't own the first one. I bought this book on sale, and now I deeply regret that decision.

The Twelve (The Passage, #2)

An unpublished book on your TBR that you’re excited for.

A Boy at the Edge of the World by

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)

A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you.
1984 by George Orwell 

A book on your TBR that you’re just dying to read.
11/22/63 by Stephen King. Well, actually, I am dying to read every single book Stephen King has written (good or bad),  but this one is on top of the list. 


The number of books on your Goodreads TBR shelf.
I don't have that many books on my TBR shelf on goodreads (and the books I've added to that shelf are only the books that I don't own, but want to read). There are 97 books added to the shelf, and if you are curious to what these books are you a free to check here

Tag, you're it!!!
I am tagging YOU. Yes, you. If you had fun going through this tag and want to do it, go ahead!


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