Book Review || The Extraordinary Etab of Julian Newcomber by Michael Seese

Dear Netizens, A while ago I read The Extraordinary Etab of Julian Newcomber by Michael Seese. It is a middle grade Sci-fi novel about Julian who has an inventor for a father. His father invents for him the Etab, which by accident allows Julian to time travel. The plot is fun, the characters are quirky and the resolution is funny but satisfying. At the beginning, I wasn't completely sold with Julian's character, because he speaks/sounds much older than his actual age, and he is quite snarky at the beginning. Another thing that bothered me is the repetitive use of "what the smart folks call" each time the author is about to use a word that is new for the target audience. However, both of the things I just complained about, grew into me and I started liking them. Julian's character and the other characters are meant to feel graphic, and this does come off the page, and "what the smart folks call" became funny. Julian reminds me a lo...