Book Review || Effective Presentation Skills by Steve Mandel

Hello Netizens, Recently I read a new book, and it is Effective Presentation Skills by Steve Mandel. Effective Presentation Skills by Steve Mandel, is a book that offers tips on how to improve and conduct a successful presentation. It is a quick read and a short book. The content of the book is direct and sufficient. I usually complain about nonfiction books, because they tend to repeat points and over-explain topics, however, this book did not do this. The writing style is simple; Easy to read. I flew through this book in less than an hour. I did find the skills the book contains to be useful. I haven't applied them yet, nevertheless, the book made me aware in which area I am lacking and it has opened my eyes on what I should do to better my presentations. I would recommend you this book if you need to do presentations. Although the book is old, it did not come across as outdated, as it teaches skills that can be applied on the technol...